Welcome Installers

Hello Fabtex installers!  We will be sending out regular email bulletins to you in order to improve our communication.  We realize that there are things that come up on job sites that you problem solve on a regular basis and appreciate all your extra efforts to make sure our jobs meet our customer’s expectations.  After all, happy customers keep us all in business.  We are going to do our best to share some of the issues that pop up and the fixes with everyone in order to help you all out in making sure our projects are wrapped up to meet customer expectations.  We are also working hard to get better with our processes, training, and communication so we can put you in the best position possible for your success.  Any feedback you are willing to share to help us improve is appreciated.

  • What training topics would be the most helpful to you?
  • Reminder – if we do not have your most up to date COI submitted to us yet, please make sure we have it before you are on site at your next job.  Jen Thomas will be reaching out to you if we still need it.

In order to support you better you can contact the following people for assistance as needed:

Main Contact:

Floyd Faulk         Floyd.faulk@fabtex.com              714-628-6573

Technical Issues:

Brian McKay       brian.mckay@fabtex.com            714-512-4428

Tim Forinash      tim.forinash@fabtex.com            714-319-4228

Scheduling Issues:

Jen Thomas        jennifer.thomas@fabtex.com    800.778.2791 x144

Process Improvement Suggestions:


Thank you for all you do!

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